Monday, June 13, 2011

Be A Rebel With A Cause for Christ

Song Title: The Slam
Artist: TobyMac
John Cooper, the front man for Skillet, said at the Kingdom Bound 2011 concert that he grew up in a culture that tried to teach him that wearing black was somehow un-Christian. Now he's in a Heavy Metal band and spreading the gospel all the while wearing black. You too might feel that there are some things that you don't agree with, or that clash with Christian culture. That doesn't mean that it is sinful. It doesn't mean that it's wrong.
Sure, Christian parents want their kids to be saved, but they are more interested in you being authentic in your faith then being or seeming like a good Christian just to please them. Find out how God wants to use you. Grab on to that and don't let go. It might not line up exactly with how everyone else thinks a Christian should be, but it might just be how God wants you to be.
The Slam shows us a Jesus that isn't just a nice, softly spoken teacher. He sometimes needs to get in your face with a conviction saying, "You heard that. Right? This is the way it is. This is the way it's done."
Remember Jesus is...

 8 “A stone that causes people to stumble
   and a rock that makes them fall.”

   They stumble because they disobey the message—which is also what they were destined for. (1 Peter 2:8, New International Version)

You might not fit in a mold that is expected for you, especially one that the world expects of you. To the world, the most radical and rebellious thing you can do is to become a born again believer, sold out for Jesus. God promises you'll have trouble, but you'll be in the Truth. God won't always lead you in safe or secure directions, but he won't leave your side. God wants to use you in a unique way unlike anyone else. Pray that the Lord draws you to Him, that Christ lead you in His direction, and that God uses you the way He wants to.
Go out and do Christianity like it ain't been done before.